Preparing to Search for Sasquatch
The Lookback Frame from
the 1967 Patterson film provides one of the best images of
Sasquatch that has been captured to date.
Part two of a three part series on Sasquatch;
see also :
All about Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest
Preparing to Search for Sasquatch
suggested Bigfoot touring around Seattle (not yet published)
For the curious traveler some
of the key historical sites can be visited with relative ease,
although the older sites are unlikely to still be in their
original condition there is also the option of staying abreast
of up-to-the minute reports of contacts of varying intensity
through web sites such as
Sasquatch Information Society and the
Bigfoot Field
Researchers Organization.
BFRO also organize expeditions
in search of the creature, in many different states at different
times of year. And if you are somewhat more adventurous,
you may choose to create a trip of your own in the hope of
encountering a Sasquatch.
More about the Sasquatch
It has been suggested by some researchers that Sasquatch is
possibly a relative of the gigantic ape Gigantopithecus
once found in Indochina and believed to have been extinct for at
least 300,000 years. The Gigantopithecus blacki was the
largest known ape, with fossil evidence showing that it stood up
to 10 feet tall and weighed up to 1200 pounds. It is possible
that the Sasquatch may be a surviving ancestor of this ape who
crossed the Bering Land Bridge from Indochina into America.
If one is to set off in search of Sasquatch it would help to
have some knowledge of where & how it lives. The problem is that
much of what has been written is either speculation or has been
deliberately constructed to account for shortcomings in the
evidentiary record. It is a commonly held belief that Sasquatch
is a nomadic wanderer in search of food – vegetation, fruits,
berries, nuts, some roots and saplings, even insects. Meat is
thought to be a secondary dietary supplement, probably mostly
acquired opportunistically (for example when an animal is
injured but not killed by a hunter).
Fish, on the other hand, appear to form a primary food source
(indeed there have been unverified claims made regarding
successful attempts to attract Sasquatch by using fish as bait).
It may well be the allure of fish that accounts for the fact
that typically, they reside or wander near rivers, lakes and
small ponds. In fact, nearly all sightings and footprints have
been located in close proximity to a water source. Not
surprisingly, then, it is also believed that the Sasquatch can
swim – with its flexible feet acting as flippers - and, given
that there have been sightings or footprints on many of the
coastal islands off Washington, British Columbia & Alaska, it is
possible that it can even negotiate the open sea.
The general consensus appears to be that Sasquatch is highly
intelligent – more intelligent than any of the great apes – and
will generally go to great lengths to avoid contact with humans,
even adopting a largely nocturnal lifestyle. It is likely that
the entire population in the US is small, with typical estimates
somewhere in the range of 2000.
Although thought to be mainly solitary creatures, there is a
suspected breeding area in the territory known as “Indian Heaven
Back Country” on the east side of Mount St Helens. This has been
the source of many reports of apparent family groups, but, not
surprisingly, this is a very remote area usually requiring
access by horseback.
Suggestions for Starting your own Search
One of the great things about planning a search for Sasquatch in
this part of the country is that, although your quest may take
you to some isolated spots, you can still make the city of
Seattle the base of operations. Head east on I90 & within 30-45
minutes you are already surrounded by territory that has a rich
history of Sasquatch encounters, or head approximately 100 miles
south to the equally intriguing territory around Mount St
Helens. Alternatively, you may want to start your search from
picturesque town of Leavenworth or the
natural hot springs resort of Sol Duc. Whichever option you
choose, you can be sure that you will never be far from a
potential encounter with the elusive Sasquatch.
No matter where you choose to stay, by following some simple
basic principles your chances of an encounter will increase
greatly. You may want to begin by checking one of the websites
that provides data on recent sighting locations (such
as this), although this can do little more than provide a
rough guide of where to start your search. Wherever you begin
looking, remember that you are dealing with a creature that is
thought to go to great lengths to avoid human contact. The
further you can get from even small population centers the
better your chances will become.
For instance, try taking a few of the forest roads that bisect
the forests in this region to get as far away from human
activity as you can. As far as personal safety will allow, avoid
searching along marked trails or down rivers that endure
relatively heavy and consistent human traffic. Remember also
that the vast majority of significant contacts occur close to
water, so try to focus your search along river banks, lake
shores and the like. Depending on how enthusiastic you are, you
may also want to concentrate your search time from the early
evening hours on, given the presumed nocturnal nature of your
As you search, stay alert at all times as a chance encounter is
likely to be over within a few seconds – you might want to
travel with camera in hand at all times, just in case. Also, be
sure to make full use of all your senses: most accounts
attribute an overwhelming smell to the Sasquatch; keep an ear
out at all times for the sound of other creatures nearby,
especially unusual calls; keep your eyes open for unusual tracks
or structures in the forest.
Of course not even the most committed and knowledgeable searcher
can be assured of success and luck will play an important role
in any successful encounter. While we cannot guarantee that you
will find any sign of the wild man of the woods, we are certain
that undertaking such a search will give you the opportunity to
enjoy some of the natural beauty to be found in this part of the
country. Happy hunting!
Part two of a three part series on Sasquatch;
see also :
All about Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest
Preparing to Search for Sasquatch
suggested Bigfoot touring around Seattle (not yet published)
Related Articles, etc
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Originally published
24 April 2009, last update
30 May 2021
You may freely reproduce or distribute this article for noncommercial purposes as long as you give credit to me as original writer.