L Nolan jr's reply
Author Harry L Nolan jr comments on the review |
Read the emails the
author insists I make available as his response to my
review.. |
In a departure from the normal
standard of author response, Harry Nolan chooses to attack my
review but - exactly the same as his attacks on Delta's former
CEOs - declines to give specifics.
For reasons best known to
himself, he feels the following email chain represents his best
form of response to my review.
From: Harry Nolan [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 5:13 PM
To: 'David M Rowell'
Subject: RE: Draft review
Importance: High
If you persist in publishing
your ‘review’, then I insist you publish the email below in its
entirety as my rebuttal.
From: David M Rowell
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 3:41 PM
To: 'Harry Nolan'
Subject: RE: Draft review
Hi, Harry
I'm dismayed by your
comments, but I will publish the review, updated to reflect your
vaguely worded comments about 'turned this matter over to my
attorney' below.
If your attorney has
substantive matters of concern, I urge him to contact me
From: Harry Nolan [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 2:22 PM
To: 'David M Rowell'
Subject: RE: Draft review
Importance: High
Mark Twain is supposed to
have said, “Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the
barrel.” The modern equivalent would be, “Never pick a fight
with someone who buys website space by the MB.”
It appears to me that my
straightforward style of responding to your questions about my
book has been misperceived as trying to pick a fight.
That is the only logical
explanation I can find for what seems to be – to me as well as
others to whom I have shown your draft – an attack in the name
of a review.
The “review” has many flaws
– factually and professionally. However, I have learned my
lesson that any response from me would invite an even more
intense attack. Therefore, I do not intend to write a rebuttal.
My professional and ethical
values would not permit me to run a review of anyone’s book like
that in the draft. However, you need to make your own decision
whether you can look in the mirror or sleep soundly at night if
you choose to run it.
This is not a threat and I
hope you do not perceive it to be. However, in fairness to you,
I must inform you that I have turned this matter over to my
attorney. He is quite knowledgeable about commercial aviation
(probably knows more than you and I combined). In addition, he
is very familiar with Delta and the facts about that company. I
would not have printed the book without his having reviewed the
My request is you forget you
ever read my book and quietly give the “review” a proper burial
by pressing delete.
From: David M Rowell
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:30 AM
To: 'Harry Nolan'
Subject: RE: Draft review
Hi, Harry
We publish tonight - is
there anything you'd like to add or comment on?
From: Harry Nolan [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 5:16 PM
To: 'David M Rowell'
Subject: RE: Draft review
Thanks for sending this to
me. I appreciate your taking the time to think about my book.
I have looked over the
review briefly…and am a bit overwhelmed at the length and
Tomorrow I will be on plane
and will give your review the time it deserves.
I strongly request that you
hold off putting the review online until I have gotten back to
Thanks…and I will get back
to you over the weekend.
Harry L. Nolan, Jr., CMC©,
Management Advisory Services, Inc.
[email protected] www.masinc.net www.masinc.net/hln.htm
Mail: P.O. Box 421428, Atlanta, GA 30342
Street: 3340 Peachtree Road, Suite 1800 Tower Place, Atlanta, GA
Direct: (404) 202-5109 Phone: (404) 261-2000 Fax: (404) 745-0844
From: David M Rowell
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:41 PM
To: 'Harry Nolan'
Subject: Draft review
Hi, Harry
They say there's no such
thing as bad publicity, so perhaps there's also no such thing as
a bad review. But - as you can see - while I have few problems
with your underlying premise, I struggled with the lack of 'hard
evidence' in your book.
I'm pleased to add a second
page of response/rebuttal from you if you wish, and if you feel
anything I've said unfairly/incorrectly misstates your views and
commentary, I'll of course either correct such things or add
your perspective to those comments too.
The review is currently on a
pre-production server, it will go live sometime next week.
For what it is worth, I've
spent a great deal more time on this review than most, and also,
I see, written a great many more words on the topic too! Thanks
for the thought-provoking read.
to Airline without a Pilot review page here]
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Originally published
21 Apr 2005, last update
30 May 2021
You may freely reproduce or distribute this article for noncommercial purposes as long as you give credit to me as original writer.