Access Air (US airline
1998 - 2001) |
no stopping you now |
Access Air (US air
charter operator) |
Schedule. Your Comfort. On Your
(sighted on website) |
2009 |
Aegean Airlines |
Aegean Airlines, a Greek airline, was
founded as a VIP/charter type operator in
1987, and in 1999 commenced scheduled
passenger services. It purchased Air
Greece in 1999. |
Feel the
(presumably trying to encourage people away
from Olympic Airlines) |
Aer Lingus |
Look up,
it's Aer Lingus |
fares way better |
for new heights |
2007 |
unbeatable |
1980s |
friendly airline |
1960s |
This is
not just an airline, this is Aer Lingus |
1990s |
Aeroflot |
(Sincerely yours, (Aeroflot)) |
samoletami Aeroflota
(Fly with Aeroflot's
airplanes) |
70s -
80s |
Aerolineas Argentinas |
poderosa sensacion de volar |
Aeromarine West Indies
Airways |
Founded in 1920 as a merger between Florida
West Indies Airways and Aeromarine
Sightseeing and Navigation Company, operated
the first international airmail and
passenger service in/from/to the US (from
Key West to Havana on 1 Nov, 1920).
Renamed as Aeromarine Airways in spring
1921. Ceased operations in early 1924. |
Safety Comfort
(See poster
here) |
~ 1920s |
Aeroperu |
Founded in 1973, ceased operations in 1999 |
To and
through Peru |
~ 1980s |
21 |
Fresno CA based airline, was operational
for a brief time only on the West Coast,
starting in December 1995, known to be still
in business in May 1996, filed for
bankruptcy in 1997. |
Your Low-Cost Airline for the Twenty-First
Century |
Air America |
America was an American passenger and cargo
airline operated clandestinely by the CIA.
It may have started flying under that name
in 1950 and may have ended operations in
1976. |
Anything, Anytime, Anywhere, Professionally |
Air Asia
(Indonesia) |
Now everyone
(anyone?) can fly |
The wings of
Africa |
Air Atlanta Icelandic
(charter airline based in Iceland) |
We're flying |
Air BC |
Formed in 1980, 85% purchased by Air Canada
in 1987, the balance in in 1995, and ceased
to operate as a separate named carrier in
2001. |
Our Airline is More Than Planes. It's
(sighted, timetable, 1994) |
1994 |
The new spirit of the west
(sighted, timetable, 1988, 89, 90, 91 -
presumably referring to being bought out by
Air Canada) |
1988 -
91 |
We fly with pride
(sighted, timetable, 1981) |
1981 |
We're Going Places
(sighted, timetable, 1985, 86, 87) |
1985 -
87 |
Well connected friends
(sighted, timetable, 1983, 84, 85, 86 -
presumably referring to relationships with
CP Air) |
1983 -
86 |
Air Berlin |
Fly Euro Shuttle!
(sighted on promo piece) |
prior to 2008 |
Genau deine Airline
(sighted on promo piece)
(literally means 'Right your Airline') |
2008 |
Air Botswana |
Going your way. |
Air California |
Formed in 1967. In 1981 it renamed
itself as AirCal. |
If there's an easier way to get you there,
we'll be the first to tell you.
(sighted, timetables, 1974, 75, 76.
The "easy" concept was continued in
occasional various shortlived forms and
tangential references) |
1974 -
76 |
Our Electras Are Easy To Take
(painted on planes - a possibly defensive
slogan because it was one of the last
airlines to still use Electras, although it
did have 737 service from 1968 so this story
has to be considered with a grain of salt) |
Our 737s Are Easy To Take
replaced the Electra slogan after 1981 and
getting 737s |
(sighted, timetables, 1970 73, 77, 78 - the
airline referred to its 737s as "737 Sunjets"
in phrases such as "Boeing 737 Sunjet
service to" and "Fly the Time Saver Sunjets") |
1970 -
78 |
The refreshing change in air travel
(sighted, timetables, 1969) |
1969 |
Air Canada |
Air Canada. Defy
obstacles. |
Come see what
you've been missing |
ca late
70s |
Flights so good,
you won't want to get off |
1990s |
worldwide |
You and I were
meant to fly |
2004 |
Air Deccan |
Indian airline Air Deccan was founded in
2003. In 2007 it was announced it
would merge with Kingfisher Airlines
and from 2008 now operates as Kingfisher
Red. |
(sighted on logos) |
2005 |
Air Europe (UK airline
1978 - 91) |
It's nice to fly
with friends |
You still have a
(After British Caledonian merged with
BA) |
Air Fiji |
Formed in 1967, originally called Air
Pacific, then in 1971 renamed Fiji Air, then
in 1995 renamed again to Air Fiji.
Ceased operations in 2009. |
Air Florida |
Started operations in 1972, ceased in
1984. |
Fastest growing
airline in America |
Fly a little
kindness |
1980s |
Now everyone can
go |
The little airline
that could |
Air France |
Air France. One of
the best places on earth. |
Dans Tous les
(In All the Skies)
(sighted on a poster est 1950s) |
ca 1950s |
Ask the world of
us |
Faire du ciel le
plus bele endroite de la terre
(Making the
skies the best place on earth) |
Have you ever done
it the French way? |
Land in your hotel |
The fine art of
flying |
Winning the hearts
of the world |
World's largest
airline, world's most personal service |
merger with KL? |
Air Hawaii (1985-6) |
High class, low fares |
Air India |
A tradition of
warmth |
The airline that
treats you like a Maharajah |
1960s |
The airline that's
different. And better. |
1970s |
Your palace in the
sky |
Air Inter |
Notre monde c'est
la France
(Our world it is France) |
Air Jamaica |
We make you feel
good all over |
Air Kazakhstan |
Bringing Nations Together
(sighted on their website) |
2009 |
Air Malawi |
Africa's friendly
airline |
Air Malta |
The perfect link |
Air Midwest |
This little
airline means business |
Your first leg to
anywhere |
Air Namibia |
Truly memorable |
Air New Zealand |
Air New Zealand was the new name given to
NZ government owned airline Tasman Empire
Airlines Ltd (best known as TEAL) in 1965.
It merged with domestic airline NAC
(National Airways Corporation) in 1978.
In 1989 the airline was privatized, but
after getting into financial difficulties
the NZ government bought most of the
airline's shares in 2002. |
Amazing journeys.
Every day |
2009 |
Being there is
everything. |
Knows the South
Pacific Best |
Nobody does it
(using the Carly Simon song) |
1970s |
(Our fares have) nothing to hide
(sighted - see
website (website, alas, now gone). A much commented on
series of videos with naked staff in body
paint) |
2009 |
The Pacific's
number one. |
The Ritz of the
skies |
ca early
1980s |
The five star
(perhaps a play on the five stars on
the NZ flag)
(probably this came out at the same time
that Air NZ was formed, with new livery and
logo) |
1966 -
67 |
The world's
warmest welcome. |
Air Pacific (Fiji) |
Fiji's International Airline
(sighted on its logo)
(This might seem an unnecessary slogan, but
the airline name itself does not
clearly/directly imply Fiji; additionally it
distinguishes it from related carrier
Pacific Sun, which has the slogan "Fiji's
Regional Airline") |
2009 |
Your island in the
sky |
Air Paradise |
Bali is our home |
Air Philippines |
We go the extra
smile |
Air Sahara |
Emotionally yours |
Air South (1994-97) |
Opportunities are flying (sighted on logo
jpg) |
Air Tahiti Nui |
(And) The journey
continues |
To tatou manureva
(Your airline) |
Air Tanzania |
The wings of
Kilimanjaro |
Air UK |
On time, every
time |
early/mid 90s |
Air West |
The one airline
that had to happen |
Air Zimbabwe |
Above all, we
care! |
Experience our
commitment to excellence
(It soon became
known as 'Experience our commitment to His Excellency' when Mr Mugabe started
commandeering planes willy-nilly and
throwing paying passengers off) |
AirCal |
Air California renamed itself as AirCal
in 1981. In 1987 it was taken over by
American Airlines. |
We Make Flying Easy
(sighted, timetables, 1984, 85 - an echo of
the earlier "easy" theming in the 1970s) |
1984 -
85 |
AirTran |
AirTran Airways.
Your airline has arrived. |
Go, there's
nothing stopping you. |
Alaska Airlines |
Alaska Airlines started operations in
1944 as the new name for the airline
formerly known as Alaska Star Airlines.
It is based in Seattle. |
For the same price, you just get more
(during the time when AS was competing
against 'no frills' airlines while still
providing full service itself) |
~ 1990s |
Fly with a
happy face
(refers to the large Eskimo
face on the tails of AS planes - this logo
was first sighted in 1973) |
Gold Coast service
(sighted, timetable, 1980 - presumably an
extension of the earlier Golden
Nugget/Samovar themes) |
1980 |
Golden Nugget Jets
(sighted, timetables, 1966, 67, 68) |
1966 -
68 |
Golden Nugget Jet Service
(sighted, timetables, 1964, 65, 66) |
1964 -
66 |
Golden Nugget Service
(sighted, timetables, 1959, 60, 61) |
1959 -
61 |
Golden Samovar Service
(sighted, timetables, 1970 - perhaps
relating to its charter flights to the
Russian Far East that started in the late
1960s?) |
1970 |
Jets serving Alaska
(sighted, timetable, 1965 - was this
abridged form a way of phasing out the
slogan?) |
1965 |
Jets serving Alaska in speed and splendor
(sighted, timetables, 1961, 62, 63, 64) |
1961 -
64 |
Jet the Gay 90's way in Golden Nugget Jets
(sighted, timetable, Sep 68
Jet the Gay-90's way in Golden Nugget Fan
(sighted, timetables, Apr 69, Jun 69) |
1969 |
Nobody knows
Alaska like Alaska knows Alaska |
mid 70s |
North of Expected
(sighted in various places - new brand
campaign launched in April 2009 - phrase
refers to providing better service than low
cost/no frills airlines) |
2009 |
Route of the Starliners
(sighted, timetable, 1951, 53, 54, 55, 56 -
the Starliner was apparently the Douglas
DC6, and perhaps its naming was intended to
evoke memories of the airline's former name
too) |
1951 -
56 |
Take Alaska to Alaska
(sighted, timetables, 1969) |
1969 |
the First.... the Finest.... to All
(sighted, timetables, 1958, 59, 60) |
1958 -
60 |
Alitalia |
Alitalia. The
wings of Italy. |
Alitalia will show
you the world |
Vi porteremo
(We will take you everywhere) |
Allegheny Airlines |
1952/3 All American Airways renamed itself
as Allegheny Airlines.
1979 Allegheny renamed itself as USAir. |
Airline of the Executives
(sighted, timetable, 1957) |
1957 |
Fly a Winner!
(sighted, timetable, 1970 - presumably
linked to the introduction of service
between Indianapolis and New York/LGA) |
1970 |
The big airline
with a hometown touch |
70s |
We have a lot more going for you
(sighted, timetable, 1973) |
1973 |
Aloha Airlines |
Originally founded in 1946 as Trans-Pacific
Airlines, quickly was tagged as 'The Aloha
Airline' then in 1950 renamed itself TPA -
The Aloha Airline, then again in 1958 became
Aloha Airlines. Closed 31 March, 2008. |
Between the
islands fly TPA Aloha Airline Hawaii
(sighted as words around the TPA Aloha
Airline logo) |
1950s |
Expect more |
waitlessness |
Fly the funbirds
of Aloha |
Hawaii's favorite |
Spread a little
Aloha |
The airline you
haven't been waiting for |
The friendliest
name in flight |
The spirit moves
us |
The Wonderful
World of Aloha |
TPA : The
People's Airline |
1940s |
Unique Island
Style Service in the Air |
Where the spirit
of Aloha flies higher |
Your airline in
(sighted as tagline underneath Aloha logo) |
1980s |
Your spirit.
Your airline. |
America West Airlines |
Commenced operations in 1983, merged with US
Airways in 2005. Ceased to have
separate branding in Jan 06. |
(At America West,)
What we serve is you. |
(older) |
Every flight
counts |
Get on board |
Lower fares, fewer
restrictions |
American Airlines |
(Fly) the American
(sighted on WW2 poster - see top of page) |
1940s and maybe other times |
From the sunrise
in the east to the sunset in the west, we're
American Airlines, doing what we do best |
Get a lot more
airline |
planes to great places
(Apparently a short lived slogan and
scrapped after one of their executives
conceded that some of the places the airline
flew to weren't all that great!) |
early/mid 70s |
Proud to
bear the name 'American'
(A slogan coined subsequent to 9/11 to take
advantage of patriotic feelings in the
country) |
> 2001 |
bird, take me where there's) Something special in the air |
airline built for professional travelers |
incredible on-time machine |
We know why you
fly. We're American Airlines. |
(We're American
Airlines,) Doing What We Do Best |
Tomorrow's Mail Today (this was a slogan
on AA's Airmail Labels - termed 'etiquettes'
from 1937-1962, when they stopped printing
etiquettes - some sighted.) |
1937-62 |
Ansett Airlines |
Australian airline, founded in 1936,
ceased operations in 2002. After
purchasing Australian National Airlines in
1957 it was known as Ansett-ANA until 1968,
when it became simply Ansett once more. |
Ansett -
Absolutely |
Australia's major airline
(sighted, timetable, 1958) |
1958 |
Finest Service in the Air
(sighted, timetable, 1949) |
1949 |
The nation's most experienced airline system
(sighted, Ansett ANA timetable, 1958, 61) |
1958 -
61 |
The world's only 6
star airline (after a new airplane livery
that included Australia's 6 starred flag)
The only airline that offers you 6 star
(sighted timetables 1983, 84) |
1981 1983
- 84 |
We know about flight
(sighted on matchbook) |
You're enjoy the experience
(sighted on timetables, 1977, 78) |
1977 -
78 |
You're in good hands all the way, when you
fly Ansett ANA
(sighted on timetables, 1963, 64) |
1963 -
64 |
Asiana Airlines |
To the heart of
Seoul and beyond |
ATA was originally established in 1973 as
American Trans Air, to provide charter
services for Ambassadair. It started
providing charter services to other groups
in 1981 and started regular scheduled air
services in 1986.
It is believed to have formally changed
its name to ATA in 1996.
After troubled time in the mid 2000s and
substantial shrinkage in service, the
airline ceased operation in 2008. |
ATA - An honestly
different airline. |
ATA - Indy's
hometown airline. |
On ATA You're On
(sighted) |
1996 -
2001 |
Aurigny |
The Channel
Airline |
Australian National
Airways |
Operated under this name from 1936 until
purchased by Ansett in 1957. The new
merged airline flew as Ansett-ANA until 1968
and then was renamed Ansett Airlines. |
Australia's Most Experienced Airline
(sighted on timetables, 1950, 51, 56) |
1950 -
56 |
Speed Safety Comfort
(sighted on baggage label, ca 1936) |
1936 |
Austrian Airlines |
Austrian. Fly with
friends. |
The most friendly
airline. |
Austrian. Like a
smile in the sky. |
Avianca |
La aerolínea de
Colombia |
Aerolínea de América (First Airline of the
Americas) |