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Wednesday 12 August, 2009
Good afternoon
A quick note on three points.
First, there's an interesting short term
sale at JetBlue. They are offering an unlimited travel pass
for $599, good for as much travel as you wish in a one month period
from 8 September through 8 October. If you are in one of the more
than 50 cities served by JetBlue, and if you might be able to use the
pass for perhaps a couple of coast to coast roundtrips, it could save
you considerably. But be sure to check how regular the JetBlue
service is between the places you would visit - although JetBlue offers
good convenient services to/from some cities, other cities are not
nearly so well served.
See the
JetBlue website for full details.
Second, I'd been hoping to get the $500
per person saving on our Christmas Markets cruise extended beyond
the current cut-off of this Friday. As of now, there's been no
response to my request for an extension from Amawaterways, so if you've
been thinking maybe you might choose to come with us, please do see if
you can take advantage of this substantial saving - to do so, you will
need to get your cruise deposited prior to the end of Friday.
Full details
Third, after comments from several of you
arising from my discussion about Priceline in last week's newsletter,
I'm writing an article about how best to book hotels using Priceline's
unique approach, to be the feature article this week. If you're a
hotelier and have some experience from the hotel side of things with the
Priceline service, and if you'd be willing to give some general
background comments (which I will keep totally confidential) to help
ensure the article is as complete as possible,
please let
me know. I can quickly send you a few questions that you might
be able to help with.
Your help would be very much appreciated.
(Oh, and if you're a normal traveler type user of Priceline with any
helpful comments, those would of course be helpful too!)
That's it for now. The usual
newsletter will follow on Friday morning.
Until then, please enjoy safe travels |